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SEO or Paid ads - which is Better?

Engaging in online marketing is a process that is a necessity for anyone who wishes to maintain and improve their presence in the eyes of their target audience. The same applies in equal measure to businesses, but also individual entrepreneurs, family-run companies, and even those organizations that are non-profit but still need public exposition. Without the ability to engage in marketing operation, the same individuals and organizations are left hoping for the best when it comes to customers seeking them out on their own initiative. You can visit Dublin SEO services to read more about it. However, this works only for those who already have a lot of mainstream media attention. For everyone else, a lack of marketing effort simply means that no one will even know they exist.


But, with the age of the digital marketing, doing something in this domain has never been easier. This comes from the fact that today, everyone has a huge range of options at their disposal, all of which can be used to boost the awareness of their online presence. Among these, two most effective variation comes in the form of paid ads and SEO. Paid ads are a range of different adverts that are shown to users of some social media, website or some other popular platform. Every time someone sees or click on their ad, the users have billed a small sum of money. The other alternative is SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is a process designed to boost the visibility of a particular website on the search engine results. Both approaches have been known to work, but also to underdeliver at other occasions. Here is an overview of this two option and a definite answer to the issue of SEO or Paid ads - which is better?


Paid Advertisement

The main advantage of paid ads is the fact that they are fast, effective and anyone can get them in a matter of hours. Right now, there are two main providers of this service. First one is the Google Adwords network which can show ads on different websites, YouTube videos and many more places. The second is a group of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. On all of these, users can simply pay to get their ads in front of people. But, the process comes with a downside of being expensive to run on a continual basis and also being low-impact in the long run. These ads work great for short-term ventures like promoting an event, but less so for a continuous brand awareness campaign, for example.




Search Engine Optimisation is a process of making a content of a website more appealing to the search engines. In it, the users try to enforce their so-called keywords or phrases their customers know them for. SEO can be both paid, when users hire a company specializing in it, or free when users self-educate themselves about it and then apply the same knowledge. The SEO process is designed to provide benefits on the long-term basis, as it slowly brings in more visitors. However, it can be a hit and miss type of process where little or no results are attained at first. The same is true even for paid SEO which is also difficult to nail on the first try.


The Best Option


When it comes to choosing one of these two, the answer is that everyone should use both. SEO is great for building up a brand over months and years, gradually bringing in new users and customers in an organic fashion. For short-term marketing and promotional boosts, paid ads work great. This is why they should be used to help in getting people informed about special opportunities, public events and other things that are in the immediate future. With these two approaches working in unison, everyone can greatly improve their overall marketing efforts.

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